Thomas and Dad were playing on the bed and having the best time. Not only does Thomas giggle almost the whole time but he shows everyone the real meaning of "No Fear Thomas". Sorry there are so many different Videos but I can only upload to a certain size.
Thomas having a good time on the bed part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
We are trying to get more videos on the site so I hope you enjoy them.
From Dad: I have to say this lil dude is a trip. He is so much fun to be around and we are so lucky to have him. Especially now that he knows how to interact and developing his own personality. It is really cool. He is starting to look only like his mom (except for the hugeness), which is neat. (Yeah I just wrote neat). The changes that he has made in a 9 month time frame is downright unbelievable. I am one of the luckiest people on earth to get to spend this time working from home. We love you all and are open to visits whenever anyone sees fit to make the journey northward.