3 times out of 5 this is what I see when I turn around to look at Thomas, these days. He has become fond of the "no pants dance". The plumber was here this morning, I let him in and came back to the living room to a pants-less child!
One of the more striking tulips in the yard.
I am afraid the tulips are starting to wither away so wanted to get a couple of good pictures of them.
He got stuck.
Babying curious George.
His new golf set from his Aunts. Hopefully he gets his Great-Grandpa Doil's golf skills and not his Dad's!
Hanging out with Jess before bedtime.
Same face as "st st st st" Steve!
Here is the garden with the new compost fence and asparagus planter. We already have the potatoes, onions, and garlic planted!
His latest bruise. He and the gate had a meeting of the face!
The playset has officially arrived! WAHOO Oh yeah....and it is from Kansas!
Thomas is already enjoying the playset!
A surprise arrival from Aunt Megan, Aunt Melanie and Mere & Papa! A shopping cart! This one didn't take near as long to put together as the playset will!
It is perfect! The kid LOVES to push stuff! THANK YOU!
Took Thomas to the local "Farm Festival Days" yesterday. He had a great time! He got to plant some marigolds, which he is holding in the picture above. He petted a cow, horse, pig, bunny and chicken...but only after mommy touched each one first. He ate his weight in popcorn and also had a couple pieces of pork cracklin's!
He also got to "ride" on a John Deere tractor!
He really liked the steering wheel.
This is the first of 100 or so tulips to bloom. Tommy planted them all and they are going to be amazing when they have all bloomed.
Tommy decorated the house a bit with some lovely decorations my parents sent! THANKS MOM AND DAD! Thomas just had to have = cried until I gave him one, a "your 30" plate! I think he just wanted to rub it in a little!
Thomas has been really enjoying the black streamers and so have I!