Lots of new stuff going on with Thomas. One day...out of the blue he picked up this stuffed animal who we call "Dan the Monster" and declared that he was going to bed with him. "Dan" was given to him several months ago by his god father Dan. From that day on he rarely goes anywhere without "Dan". I am amazed at the "all of a sudden" attachment. He wants absolutely NOTHING to do with the super soft (fairly pricey) monkey that has been in his crib from 6 months of age!

We went to Lawrenceburg for a day and got to see Great-Grandma Betty. Thomas sat in the rocking chair and proceeded to order Great-grandma and Mom to "ock" (rock) on command!

This is his new "life vest" for swimming he got from his Aunt Megan and Aunt Melanie. He LOVES it and hasn't taken it off in two days.

We had a garage sale this weekend and got rained on a bit. Thomas didn't care at all! Here he is dragging Grace around with him! I think she is actually commenting on how wet his hair is! She was smart and went inside!

We went to a local park for the first time the other day. He really enjoyed getting to just run around without me stopping him. Don't let this picture fool you though...he thought about going down that slide for about 2 seconds. He is actually backing up in this picture!

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